Well said faithful pilgrim. Revelation trumps the deadening drumbeat of numbering notes. The Light of the World, even all things illumines our hearts in this darkening wood bestowing the blessing of hope as we journey on its dry ground ascending into His Highest!!! Happy New Year!!!

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May God bless you on this 6th Day of Christmas! Thank you for using your His gifts of keen discernment and poetic writing to edify and encourage your readers before the New Year, Tara!

George Fiddes Watt’s ‘The Old Lady with the Rosary’ is a profoundly grounding painting, divulging the one thing needful: Seek first the Kingdom of God.

As the great Danish Christian philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, articulated, in one of his tender prayers: You the One, who is one thing and who is all! So may You give to the intellect, wisdom to comprehend that one thing; to the heart, sincerity to receive this understanding; to the will, purity that wills only one thing. In prosperity may You grant perseverance to will one thing; amid distractions, collectedness to will one thing; in suffering, patience to will one thing. 

Luke 10:38-43

As a mother of 11 children and grandmother of 18 (presently ;~), I am aided in my prayer life by our pastor’s recommended acronym, ACTS, which helps my muddled, raciocinating mind remember the power and grace of God with regard to forming my prayers:





That being said, Romans 8:26 assures us that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us with groanings that cannot be uttered, whenever needed.

Blessed, joyous New Year and Epiphany to you and your family!

God’s Peace,


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Wonderful meditation- thank you so much!

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Re the quote with which you began this posting it could be said that the oft-times phrase used at funerals "from dust you came and to dust you return" (or something like that) expresses the same mis-understanding re what we are in Truth & Reality.

Not much living-breathing-feeling life to found in dust!

At least meat-bodies live and breathe for a period of time and are capable of birthing new forms of meat-body life.

And yes with a well-informed understanding of bio-chemistry chemicals can indeed enhance the quality of human life and extend human life spans too.

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Easy for good Christian teachers of science to fall into this without even meaning to. Have to keep the danger constantly on the mind.

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It is so wonderful to read these words, perhaps especially at this time of year....God Bless, Happy New Year!

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